Scientific Director Dr. Tanjona Ramiadantsoa
The success of an institution correlates with the quality and quantity of its scientific publications. My main role is to make the center a factory producing scientific publications. I support projects from all departments and make sure that every project is done with scientific rigor and published in a quality journal. I have developed a training program to ensure students have the skills they need to complete their projects. For instance, we have workshops on critical thinking, statistics, programming, writing, and more. My third role is to develop a fair and equitable environment so that everyone thrives as a scientist and as a person.
We are the first and only organization in Madagascar to combat parachute science (where foreign researchers from rich countries exploit local students but provide little in return). To build community, the MBC holds weekly seminars, a journal club, and sponsors a running group, soccer games, and basketball team. We aim to become a center of excellence in research and a role model of how research is done in Madagascar by Malagasy people.
Cohort leadership training at MBC
Every two years, MBC selects a new batch of cohorts that will undergo rigorous training at MBC. Each student will receive a stipend, computer, research support, and mentoring. The research topic chosen reflects the broad MBC activities in Discovery, Monitoring, or Edible Insects departments. The education and research plan is developed with guidance from Tanjona Ramiadantsoa. MSc and Ph.D. are supported after completing their degree for up to six months to assist in completing one publication.
The nest Cohort will start in 2024. Application will open in June 2023.